Agricultural Equipment

We Install Waikato Milking Systems

We Have One Goal

To Provide The Highest Quality
Products and Services.

We provide Hanskemp feeders, which as a dairy farmer you don’t only require good production but the best for all of your animals.

These innovative practice-based solutions will enhance the milk production and overall health of your animals.

Agricultural Products

excel Footbath

The Hoofcount Excel Bath is up to 3.7m long and 600mm (internal) wide. This bath allows 3 dips per hoof and is especially good for much larger herds 200+ and especially on the exit of Rotary systems. This system also benefits from the strong, stainless steel side sheets which allow the chemical to remain in the bath as well as ensure that cows are unable to step on the side of the bath.

Standard Footbath

The standard Hoofcount Footbath is up to 3m long and 800mm (internal) wide. This bath allows 2 dips per hoof and is used mostly in smaller herds and especially off Robotic systems.

Robot Footbath

All our baths are bespoke and made to fit in the space provided. However robot farms need special consideration as space may be tight. This is why we recommend our standard bath in a robot system. The amount of footbaths you will need depends on how many robots and the positioning of them. For example many head-to-head robot farmers choose to only have one footbath on the exit race of those robots.

Liscarroll Milk Tanks

DX Expansion Tank

DX Control Panel

Direct Expansion

Milk is cooled directly by circulating refrigerant through the laser welded evaporator plates of the milk tank. Direct Expansion cooling is the most widely used system of milk cooling worldwide.

This system is more cost effective to purchase and run that other systems. The Liscarroll Direct Expansion milk tank has a compact elliptical shape which adds to its efficiency.

Milk Tank Features:

  • Cheaper to Operate
  • Reliable
  • Customisable